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Under the pseudonym rux_art, simple, clear and unpretentious is the most recent artistic production of picto-sculpture by the Italian artist Ruggiero Rutigliano.
Full of nuances, although paradoxically the flat and primary colors are predominant in the last series as a tribute to contextualizations of artistic, social and personal nature.
We find linchentain, warhol and robert indiana among others, or intitutional individuals (Queen Elizabeth II of England or Mohahamed bin Rashid Al Maktum) to which are added those personal experiences that did not leave the artist indifferent and that are evoked by phrases or set of words and female portraits. In general, the theme of these picto-sculptures is framed within a society of iconic opulence. Methodical, careful, rigorous, clean and impeccable execution, they are adjectives that can be imagined about the production and treatment processes of each piece, just by looking at them. From an “ordered disorder” to a dialogue between banality and essentiality, which could be the result of voluminizations and geometric dissections of these series, which the author uses to offer different perspectives on each piece … lights and shadows “with which each Spectator designs its own feedback. In these series of picto-sculptures there is a second colloquium or dialogue generated by artistic experimentation as a rigorous figurative style of technique refined to a ‘lyrical geometric’ abstract painting through purely conceptual productions. It can be said that most of the picto sculptural work is the result of a somatization of love.

Désirée Meza-Mesia  –  Curator and founder of NooN ConsultinG Art Gallery ad Brussel – Belgium

Ce que j’aprecie le plus dans l’œuvre de Ruggiero Rutigliano RUX c’est la façon dont il enteprend le dialogue avec le spectateur ainsi que les matières premières de ses messages artistiques: bois, or et argent. De ses étonnantes compositions multifacettes et multi-angles, surgissent avec force des  visages très connus et des mots simples de tous les jours nous invitant à réfléchir sur le langage et sur la vie. En suivant le chemin tracé par l’artiste, le spectateur a la chance de pouvoir remettre en cause certaines  expressions, évaluer leur solidité et parvenir peut-être à un consensus à l’intérieur de soi- même.

 Émilie Kuczynska-Vigalondo –  commissaries d’exposition – Partenaire de WarsawByArt – Poland 

Ruxart carries on a refined and highly personal research of art in which he claims the value of artist-craftsman emphasizing both the technical-manual and the conceptual aspects; it is his ability to translate it into expressive forms.
In each of his works he creates imperfect surfaces that in the eyes of the viewer constantly change their appearance, he draws from images of art history and simple sentences that manipulates and reassembles them according to new and personal configurations, it is up to the viewer to decipher the work, choose how to relate to it and the position from which to observe it, the works live the reactions of the observer suggesting echoes of memories and feellings.”

William Todeschi – Painter and Critic

Breakdown of reality, phenomena. Facets of the human psyche. Points of view. This is the message that these images transmit. Beyond an iconic vision of reality there are thousands of ways to see reality and to each of them there are lights and shadows. Everything is but it could be.
The fragmentation of being is to recreate so many worlds that coexist in the whole and then also the different monads move in search of a balance that distorts the visual reality making appear the distortions of the psyche through an imaginary vision of a disordered decomposed reality in searchof a perfection that will never exist.
Art is a superior energy flow that brings us closer to the beauty of the spirit.Everything is simple if you are in the same wavelength.

S.A. – Rome Court Judge


Exhibition Auditorium of the museum of Ancient Japanese Art “Bruno Lussato institute” – Brussels

